Thursday, June 30, 2011

How Do I Show My Support of Marriage Equality?

In celebration of the amazing state of New York and it’s realization that love is love no matter who you are, who the object of that affection is, or whose team you’re on, I’m bringing you another WHO WORE IT BEST!  
Todays contestants:  The Gay Pride Flag vs. The Gay Pride Outfit!
I am no coward when it comes to color.  In fact, I didn’t even own an article of black clothing until junior year in college.  True story.  I have no idea how I did that.  Anyway, the more color I can get into an outfit, the bigger my heart swells, so it comes as no surprise that the other day I looked in the mirror and realized I was a rainbow.  A RAINBOW!  Please excuse the picture quality of this one, I was left with only my little iPhone camera, though as you can see I did have Steve Zissou there to oversee the production of this shot.  I bet if he were there he’d tell me I looked like a crayon ponyfish (refer to picture at the bottom if you're not fluent in Wes Anderson film references).

Neon Tribal Nail? Why not!
Shorts:  J.Crew   V Neck: J.Crew   Cardigan:  J.Crew   Necklace:  J.Crew   Belt:  J.Crew   SandalsYOU GUESSED IT!  But in case you aren’t quick to recognize a pattern, J.Crew.  Oh and the bracelets are J.Crew and Yurman.  
I guess now would be the time to note:  I love me some J.Crew. (read: I’m marginally obsessed and rarely piece together an outfit without some of the J).  I do however, branch out quite a bit, my friends will attest that I am a fashion chameleon, so do not fret!  There is a reason I started this blog!  Versatility is crucial!  I will bring it to you! Much sooner if you can find me the gothiest goth in the city to Translate.  

(aforementioned crayon ponyfish)

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sartorial Patriotism

Hey guys!  I know it has been a while since my first post, I’ve been working on an awesome first S&T for you!  But, while my fabulous friend PJ does a final edit on the photo’s we shot for you guys (as he said, they're "MAH-JOR"), I thought I would bring you an enticing little sum'n sum'n.

The 4th is coming up quick, and some of you might be wondering how you can show some sartorial support for your country without looking like a crazy (See below, note the fupa).

So, I bring you a little lesson in Amurica’in up your 4th of July outfit whilst embracing the colored denim trend (sans afformentioned flag-fupa), and I ask you this:
WHO WORE IT BEST?  Me, or Uncle Sam? (Don’t let his threatening gesture sway you, he’s only your uncle, after all, he can’t really yell at you)

Jeans: Vince.  Top: Feel the Piece via Intermix  Necklace: Dannijo   Hat: Kirra via Pacific Sunwear  Shoes: Sam Edelman  Sunglasses: Karen Walker
Red jeans are trotting down every avenue in New York, and nautical stripes are essential No.1 for summer, embrace.  Pick out some non-patriotic accessories to throw them off the scent, and then go stand in front of a patriotic spray paint mural to put them back on it. (I like to be clear about my vision, sorry).  Extra points if you can find the exact one I was standing in front of.  Triple-Double-Bonus points if you find it on the 4th, while drunk and headed to your next BBQ.  

Happy 4th of July, kids!!

P.S. Send in your streetspiration challenges!  I'm up for it!  I'm also up for you sending your own Translation of a Streetspiration!  I'll post it!  Let's start a revolution!